Author: Atulya Shivam

Introduction In the academic world where everything moves at a rapid pace, good retention is a resource one can use to achieve academic success. Whether you are getting ready for a crucial examination or just need to increase your overall cognitive abilities, effective approaches towards increasing memory can make a lot of difference. This article discusses ten established strategies that could help you remember everything and excel in exams.Sleep First:A well-known key to memory improvement is proper sleep. Aim for 7-9 hours of good sleep at night to allow your brain to consolidate and store information effectively.Drink Water:Dehydration will cause…

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Meet the Yellow Dragon fruit, a vibrant and refreshing tropical fruit that brings a burst of flavors to your palate. This small to medium-sized fruit, measuring about 8 to 10 centimeters in length and 6 to 7 centimeters in diameter, boasts an oval to elliptical shape. While smaller than its red and pink counterparts, the size of the Yellow Dragon fruit varies depending on the cultivation regions and growing conditions it thrives in. The fruit’s skin is characterized by its thickness, semi-smooth texture, and slight rubbery feel. Adorned with small knobby protrusions, which were once home to spines during the…

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